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Cultural Competence in Investigations

October 5-6, 2023

The Association of Workplace Investigators will hold its 2023 Annual Conference October 5-6, 2023, in Scottsdale, Arizona.

OIG is pleased to once again support this annual event, which is the premier learning experience for investigators, coupled with opportunities for networking with fellow investigators from around the U.S. and beyond the borders.

If you are attending, please check out OIG Partner Zaneta Seidel‘s session on “Cultural Competence in Investigations.” Cultural competence, loosely defined as the ability to understand, appreciate, and interact with people from varying cultures and belief systems, is a skill to continually hone, as it speaks to our ability to conduct fair and quality investigations even when stretched beyond our comfort zone. Through an interactive discussion and a series of role plays, this presentation will provide examples of some pitfalls, practice tips, and considerations that highlight the need for cultural competence in every stage of an investigation. We will discuss ways to demonstrate cultural competence in, for example, your choice of language, rapport building, interview skills, analysis, and report writing. The presentation will show that cultural competence is an added tool to protect and elevate the integrity of high stakes investigations that impact the lives and livelihoods of the parties involved.

OIG will be the conference’s Mobile App sponsor. For more conference info or to register, please visit the AWI conference web page.