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CALPELRALearn – Conducting Effective Investigations

September 7 - 8, 2022

Investigations are an essential but often misunderstood part of supervising and managing employees. Join OIG Partner Vida Thomas, who will co-present during this CALPELRALearn program. This online training will give you the tools you need to plan, conduct, and oversee investigations in public agencies.

In this two-day, online program you’ll learn:

  • Why conduct investigations?
  • When is an investigation required or advisable?
  • Who should conduct the investigation?
  • What notices should be provided?
  • How to…
    • Collect background information;
    • Identify appropriate witnesses;
    • Plan interview questions;
    • Address potential biases;
    • Choose effective interview locations;
    • Deal with reluctant witnesses;
    • Ask effective questions; and
  • Assess conflicting evidence.
  • How should you assess credibility and reach conclusions?
  • When should you bring in an outside investigator?
  • How should you document investigation findings?
  • Who should you inform about the investigation findings?

Like CALPELRA’s Labor Relations Academy programs, this CALPELRALearn program not only includes lecture by experienced trainers, but also interactive exercises that will allow participants to develop their skills and cement their understanding by engaging in interactive process simulations and other exercises based on real world challenges.

Who Should Attend?

Professionals at all levels must supervise and conduct investigations. This session is designed for a broad audience, including administrators, managers, supervisors, human resources and labor relations staff, and attorneys. This program will touch on special POBRA and FPBRA issues but will not focus on police and fire investigations.

Event Info

The online program will run for four hours each day, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.

To register, please visit the CALPELRA event registration page.