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Resilience With Discretion: Knowing When Enough is Enough in Investigations

November 17, 2023

As part of the CALPELRA Annual Conference in Monterey, Christina Ro-Connolly and Madeline Buitelaar will present “Resilience With Discretion: Knowing When Enough is Enough in Investigations” on November 17, 2023.  This session explores how “thoroughness” in a a timely, thorough, and fair investigation is reached in the real world.

Investigators must exercise discretion when pursuing certain lines of questioning, such as potential mental health considerations on the part of the interviewees, potential past traumatic experiences, tangential issues that may not contribute to the investigation’s conclusions, and the cost/benefit of pursuing every issue that arises. Determining what information is necessary to conduct a thorough investigation is not always clear. In this session attendees will learn tips and tricks about how to “right size” an investigation.

To learn more about the conference or to register, please visit the CALPELRA event page.